Back from a week in St. John USVI and I'm still on island time. We've been going there for 20 years and it's our family's all time favorite place. Here I am stalking a villa set back from the edge of Gibney Beach. Would have loved to have seen the inside of this gorgeous stone home with its arched doors and windows.

But back to this post title - there isn't a huge design scene on the island but I did come across these Manuel Canovas beach dresses. At $310 they were more than I would spend but..if they had been pillows... that would have been a different story!

Another cottage on Gibney Beach. I couldn't get a great photo of this one but did find the
cottage's website and the pic below.

Here's the view from where I stayed the first 3 nights before my husband and kids could join me on the trip - a cute little eco-tent cottage in
Maho Bay. Usually we rent a house but I didn't want to be completely alone (there's 114 tents at Maho) so this was a great solution.

This year my son and husband wanted to run the
8 Tuff Miles race to celebrate Ryan's 16th birthday.
Congratulations to Ryan - he was 1st in his age category with a time of 1:07:10, 32nd male finisher overall and he won an $800 scholarship to the college of his choice! My husband didn't do too bad either - second in the 45 - 49 age category with a 1:13:48.

This race is accurately named - they go up to an elevation of 999 feet.

Missing St John already - but I'll be back to regular blogging tomorrow.
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