My New - Really Old Bath Faucet
While searching for images of mixed metal finishes in a bathroom (post last week), I came across this brass and copper base Crane faucet on (The link to the etsy seller I purchased the faucet from has been removed as well as the images from the seller featuring the faucet that I viewed when making my decision to buy) - for $75, plus $20 shipping. On impulse ( is there any other way?) I bought it. The seller said it was c 1890 and I absolutely love the styling. The neck is a bit long, 8 inches, but I'll be doing a custom sink vanity so I think it will work. Of course, a day after I bought it, I realize I may end up needing to find some parts to adapt it to new plumbing...I've got my fingers crossed it will all work out. Has anyone had experience using really old faucets? Please tell me it was all good news!
Here's the color scheme I'm shooting for the in remodeled bathroom in our lower level.
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